Il quotidiano di Nairobi, Daily Nation, ha pubblicato oggi due paginone centrali sul problema del traffico e sfruttamento delle persone. L’articolo principale prende lo spunto e cita ampiamente un studio fatto dai nostri di KARDS (Koinonia Advisory and Research Services).
KARDS, iniziato e sempre guidato da Richard Muko, opera da da qualche anno nel campo della ricerca sull’emarginazione e sfruttamento dei poveri. Sempre con encomiabile ma poco riconosciuto impegno, e grande qualità .
Potete trovare una versione abbreviata dell’articolo sul sito del Nation, a
Padre Kizito,
THANKS a million for this kind comment about KARDS. I have just seen it for the first time and it humbles me that you appreciate our work. I pray that God helps us to do even more. This mention in your blog is too great for me to explain. You too are a father to many people.. despite many tribulations your energies are an inspiration.
On behalf of KARDS family we are so greatfull that our work is coming to a realization and appreciation by many. I know we still have a lot to do for the humble and the lowly in Anfrica. May our energies be renewed day by day.
As Consolation We are humbled. Our small efforts never thought had big impacts, this post inspires us and uplifts our spirits..long live everyone who are involved.